I have a Master's degree and I am employed in private Sector as an accounts / finance professional currently based in Bhubaneswar. I come from a middle class, nuclear family background with moderate values.
My name is Nimmi Porwal and I am working as a Teaching / Academician in the Private sector. I have completed my M.A.. I grew up in a Middle Class, Joint family.
I have a Master's degree and I am employed in private Sector as a journalist currently based in Bengaluru/ Bangalore. I come from a middle class, nuclear family background with traditional values.
I'm looking for a potential partner. No BS
We'll get along if you're curious about knowing things (by that, I don't mean GOSSIP). You believe in yourself and are a secure type. You know thyself and don't compare. You reciprocate, communicate, and have a sense of humour
You're KIND :)
I have a Master's degree and I am employed in private Sector as an interior designer currently based in Pune. I belong to a middle class, nuclear family with liberal values.